Using MySQL tables for aggregations : lnitialize your counters before you go-go

So far I had a positive experience using MySQL for holding results of aggregations. Firstly, it provides flexible and efficient indexing on the dimension columns. For me, it was a great improvement over Cassandra’s in-built counter tables (we were using v2.0.7), which do not offer much flexibility on querying dimensions independently due to its key based partitioning . Secondly,  MySQL provides the regular SQL  aggregating functions which are quite handy. In Cassandra, the aggregating must happen on the application side.

Let’s take a bookstore database as an example, where we want to keep record of the store’s sales.

CREATE TABLE `bookstore_sales` (
 `date` DATE NOT NULL,
 `genre` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
 `publish_year` year(4) NOT NULL,
 `sold_count` INT DEFAULT NULL,
 `returned_count` INT DEFAULT NULL

Now let’s add a UNIQUE index on all of our dimensions:

ALTER TABLE `test`.`bookstore_sales`
ADD UNIQUE INDEX `unique_idx_bookstore_sales` 
(`date` ASC, `genre` ASC, `publish_year` ASC);

Now we can update our counters with the very useful INSERT… ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement which basically allows us to not care about a possible prior existence of a row. If the row does not exist, the INSERT part is executed, otherwise the UPDATE part is executed.

So upon a sale in the bookstore, we  issue the following statement:

INSERT INTO bookstore_sales (`date`,genre,publish_year,sold_count) 
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE sold_count=sold_count+1;

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.07 sec)

| date       | genre    | publish_year | sold_count | returned_count |
| 2016-02-20 | thriller |         2016 | 1          | NULL           |

If we execute this query again we increment the appropriate counter.

Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.04 sec)
| date       | genre    | publish_year | sold_count | returned_count |
| 2016-02-20 | thriller |         2016 | 2          | NULL           |

Now, let’s say on of the customers comes later to return a bought book, then we issue the following query:

INSERT INTO bookstore_sales (`date`,genre,publish_year,returned_count)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE returned_count=returned_count+1;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
| date       | genre    | publish_year | sold_count | returned_count |
| 2016-02-20 | thriller |         2016 | 2          | NULL           |

Wait a minute, what happened here? My update was reported successful, though without any effect! The reason is pretty simple actually: the query applied the increment NULL + 1 which would always result in NULL, therefore no change was made to the prior entry.

Ok, so theoretically we could have avoided this issue by supplying 0 values ourselves in the insert statement, but this is prone to errors, as more counters might be added to the table. Solution: initialize your counter columns with 0 values, so that your create table looks like this:

CREATE TABLE `bookstore_sales` (
 `date` DATE NOT NULL,
 `genre` varchar(45) NOT NULL,
 `publish_year` year(4) NOT NULL,
 `sold_count` INT DEFAULT 0,
 `returned_count` INT DEFAULT 0

If we issue the same series of commands as before, we will end up with:

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)
| date       | genre    | publish_year | sold_count | returned_count |
| 2016-02-20 | thriller |         2016 | 2          | 1              |

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